Total submission: 596 | Public Sch: 250 | Private Sch: 346 | Approved (Public Sch): 83 | Disqualified (Public): 124 | Approved (Private): 73 | Disqualified (Private): 97 | Further Verification (Private): 3 | Further Verification (Public): 36

Total submission


Disqualified (Public)


Approved (Private)


Disqualified (Private)


Further Verification (Private)


Further Verification (Public)


Christianah Oguntade’s Details (Student ID: 125)

Submitted on: November 6, 2023 at 7:13 pm


English 57
Mathematics 50
Biology 68
Chemistry 65
Physics 50
Total 290


English 66
Mathematics 54
Biology 75
Chemistry 44
Physics 60
Total 299


English 58
Mathematics 62
Biology 78
Chemistry 60
Physics 76
Total 334


Final Average:




Topic: A vision for a sucessful carrier path in education
imagine ten years from now being sucessful in my nursing carrier path.
from a young age , i have always felt a calling to pursue a carrier in the nursing field.
This desire to help others, combine with a genuine passion for healthcare, as shaped my path towards becoming nurse. In this essay, i will outline my journey, the reasons behind my carrier choice, and my future ambition as a nurse. as i embark on my nursing carrier, i look forward to the numerious posibilities for growth and specialization within the field.
Nursing offer a diver range of specialities,
such as pediatrics, critical care, oncology and more.
I am eager to explore these various area and find niche where i can make greatest impath.
continuous learning and professional development will be essential through out the latest advancements in healthcare
In conclusion, my passion for healthcare and the innate desire to help others have stared me towards nursing carrier, with a solid academic background, persional characteritics and value, i am prepare to embark on this fulgilling journey.
The proepect of making a positive different in the live of patient and their family give me immense motivation and purpose .
I am eager to embrce challeges , continuously learn , and grow as a nurse . By committing my self to the noble profession, i hope to contribute to the health and wellbeing of individual and the community as a whole


Full Student Details:

Student ID 125
First Name Christianah
Surname Oguntade
Phone no: 9163973954
Student Email:
Home Address irebami street, egbedore
City modakeke
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth May 9, 2008
Emergency Contact Name Oguntade Mukaila
Emergency Contact Address

irebami street egbedore

Relationship to Emergency Contact Father
Mother’s Full name Oguntade Florence
Father’s Full name Mukaila Akanmu Oguntade
Mother’s Occupation trader
Father’s Occupation Native doctor
Mother’s Phone No 09033637537
Father’s Phone No 08136788672
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Pakoi compound at odokun
Name of school the scholars model academy
School category Private
Address of school behind community grammar school off toro road egbedore modakeke
Name of school principal Hon, (chief) Aremo olasupo daud
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue


Have you registered for WAEC? No
Name of school (WAEC)
Address of school (WAEC)
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? No
Academic awards
Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum Yes
List participation in community service

Akoraye football and quiz competition

Do you participate in sport Yes
List the sport

Akoraye football match

Student Department Science Student


Reviewer’s Section

Reviewer’s Note

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