Total submission: 596 | Public Sch: 250 | Private Sch: 346 | Approved (Public Sch): 83 | Disqualified (Public): 124 | Approved (Private): 73 | Disqualified (Private): 97 | Further Verification (Private): 3 | Further Verification (Public): 36

Total submission


Disqualified (Public)


Approved (Private)


Disqualified (Private)


Further Verification (Private)


Further Verification (Public)


Samuel Kolapo’s Details (Student ID: 506)

Submitted on: November 16, 2023 at 9:50 pm


English 49
Mathematics 58
Biology 58
Chemistry 60
Physics 59
Total 284


English 59
Mathematics 57
Biology 53
Chemistry 51
Physics 73
Total 293


English 57
Mathematics 63
Biology 23
Chemistry 49
Physics 61
Total 253


Final Average:




My career goal is to become a qualified professional pharmacist. I choose this path because i always had the determination to bring more standard healthy development in my locality and environs.It is a job that interests me and seems like something that will be enjoyable because of my high interest in it.As a pharmacist,I want to make a positive impact on people’s lives every single day.Another reason why I want to become a pharmacist is because I want to help and assist others. The satisfaction of me helping a patient get better assurance about my goal. My feeling and passion for others makes me to go for scientific path so as to reduce difficult circumstances and helping people. I believe that pursuing a career in pharmacy will be a great achievement in my life and the best thing I have done in my life. It is a good profession with a handsome salary all over the world. One of my decision to pursue pharmacy is driven by my desire to make impact on patient well-being and health. Pharmacy seems to be the perfect fit for me. It is to my best importance that I love and have great interest for my future profession. I have so much passion and love for the field of pharmacy. I wish to be a pharmacist in order to help people who are with serious health issues and people who lack illness treatment. Thanks


Full Student Details:

Student ID 506
First Name Samuel
Surname Kolapo
Phone no: 07061919349
Student Email:
Home Address Oke bode
City Modakeke
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth September 19, 2007
Emergency Contact Name Kolapo Oyebowale Abraham
Emergency Contact Address

Oke bode area

Relationship to Emergency Contact Father
Mother’s Full name Kolapo folake Abigael
Father’s Full name Kolapo oyebowale Abraham
Mother’s Occupation Hairdresser
Father’s Occupation Farmer
Mother’s Phone No 09059021466
Father’s Phone No 09154163132
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Ileoba compound
Name of school Acada high school
School category Private
Address of school Oke d.o
Name of school principal Adetunji abiodun Timothy
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue


Have you registered for WAEC? No
Name of school (WAEC)
Address of school (WAEC)
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? No
Academic awards
Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum Yes
List participation in community service


Do you participate in sport Yes
List the sport


Student Department Science Student


Reviewer’s Section

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