Total submission: 596 | Public Sch: 250 | Private Sch: 346 | Approved (Public Sch): 83 | Disqualified (Public): 124 | Approved (Private): 73 | Disqualified (Private): 97 | Further Verification (Private): 3 | Further Verification (Public): 36

Total submission


Disqualified (Public)


Approved (Private)


Disqualified (Private)


Further Verification (Private)


Further Verification (Public)


Praise Olayioye’s Details (Student ID: 493)

Submitted on: November 16, 2023 at 9:08 am


English 76
Mathematics 64
Biology 50
Chemistry 44
Physics 40
Total 274


English 47
Mathematics 45
Biology 50
Chemistry 60
Physics 71
Total 273


English 56
Mathematics 67
Biology 56
Chemistry 43
Physics 45
Total 267


Final Average:





Computer engineering, a dynamic and rapidly evolving field, stands at the forefront of technological innovation, integrating principles of both computer science and electrical engineering. This interdisciplinary course combines hardware and software components, preparing individuals to design, develop, and optimize computing systems that underpin our modern world.

At its core, computer engineering courses provide a comprehensive understanding of hardware architecture, digital systems, and software development. Students delve into subjects such as computer organization, microprocessors, circuit design, algorithms, programming languages, and data structures. This fusion of theoretical knowledge with practical application equips graduates with a holistic skill set necessary to tackle complex computing challenges.

Computer engineering education emphasizes problem-solving and critical thinking. Students learn to analyze and solve problems by applying engineering principles to create innovative solutions. The curriculum often incorporates hands-on projects, labs, and internships, providing invaluable practical experience in designing and implementing systems, fostering creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, the field of computer engineering is diverse, offering specializations in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, embedded systems, robotics, and more. This diversity allows individuals to tailor their education and career paths to align with their interests and aspirations.

The impact of computer engineering is ubiquitous, shaping industries ranging from healthcare to finance, from entertainment to communication. Innovations in this field drive technological advancements, revolutionizing how we live, work, and interact. Computer engineers are instrumental in developing cutting-edge technologies that redefine the boundaries of possibility.

In conclusion, computer engineering courses offer a gateway to a world of limitless possibilities, where individuals harness the power of technology to create solutions that drive progress and innovation. With its interdisciplinary nature and profound impact on society, computer engineering stands as a pivotal field that continues to shape the future of humanity.


Full Student Details:

Student ID 493
First Name Praise
Surname Olayioye
Phone no: 09167794579
Student Email:
Home Address Esuyare
City Ife city
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth May 16, 2008
Emergency Contact Name Peter Olayioye
Emergency Contact Address


Relationship to Emergency Contact Father
Mother’s Full name Olayioye Lydia
Father’s Full name Peter olayioye
Mother’s Occupation Trader
Father’s Occupation Farmer
Mother’s Phone No 08162753007
Father’s Phone No 09067793917
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Esinoye
Name of school Loyola Entrepreneurial College
School category Private
Address of school Oke bola modakeke
Name of school principal Adeyemi Temitope
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue

Computer engineering

Have you registered for WAEC? No
Name of school (WAEC)
Address of school (WAEC)
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? No
Academic awards
Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum No
List participation in community service
Do you participate in sport No
List the sport
Student Department Science Student


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