Total submission: 596 | Public Sch: 250 | Private Sch: 346 | Approved (Public Sch): 83 | Disqualified (Public): 124 | Approved (Private): 73 | Disqualified (Private): 97 | Further Verification (Private): 3 | Further Verification (Public): 36

Total submission


Disqualified (Public)


Approved (Private)


Disqualified (Private)


Further Verification (Private)


Further Verification (Public)


Habeebullah Olagoke’s Details (Student ID: 448)

Submitted on: November 14, 2023 at 10:14 am


English 58
Mathematics 53
Biology 70
Chemistry 64
Physics 78
Total 323


English 73
Mathematics 58
Biology 75
Chemistry 75
Physics 55
Total 336


English 63
Mathematics 50
Biology 70
Chemistry 73
Physics 63
Total 319


Final Average:




My career-as Doctor
A person without ambition In life is like a ship without a rudder.They are also like the travelers going a head without any destination. Such people lead an aimless life. The people who want success in life, first of all, determine their target. They select some definite is not enough. A person should also work hard to achieve his or her ambition. My career as a doctor or a physician. A doctor is always at the service of suffering people. The smilling face of a doctor makes the patient cheerful. If I become a doctor I will be kind to the poor and needy people. We, as human want healthiness.
So, I will do my best to threat my patients. A physician or a doctor is a professional who practice medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis or treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments . They may focus their practice on certain disease categories, type of patients,or method of treatment known as specialist medical practitioner or assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individual families and communities known as general practitioner.
After becoming a successful doctor, I have plans of setting up a clinic.
Also I wanted to go into the medical profession so as to help patients minimize pain, recover them from a disease faster and to save life, extend life,to help in stopping pandemics, to improve life to provide nutritional emergencies to shaping health policy and help the less privilege in my country most exapecially modakeke indigene who can’t afford or to cater for their needs.


Full Student Details:

Student ID 448
First Name Habeebullah
Surname Olagoke
Phone no: 09127349888
Student Email:
Home Address Ajape line 3,modakeke
City Modakeke
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth April 5, 2008
Emergency Contact Name Serifdeen Tolulope
Emergency Contact Address

Ajape line 3, modakeke

Relationship to Emergency Contact Siblings
Mother’s Full name Olagoke Muinat Adeola
Father’s Full name Olagoke Murainah Alao
Mother’s Occupation Trader
Father’s Occupation Lecturing
Mother’s Phone No 07031125608
Father’s Phone No 07031169531
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Olonade compound
Name of school Royal Comprehensive High school Modakeke
School category Private
Address of school Oloyede Estate modakeke
Name of school principal Mrs Akomolafe
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue

I will like to be a doctor in the future to help less privilege

Have you registered for WAEC? No
Name of school (WAEC)
Address of school (WAEC)
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? Yes
Academic awards

Health prefect
7/7 /2023

Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum Yes
List participation in community service

Akoraye football competition.
Caller of prayers

Do you participate in sport Yes
List the sport


Student Department Science Student


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