Total submission: 596 | Public Sch: 250 | Private Sch: 346 | Approved (Public Sch): 83 | Disqualified (Public): 124 | Approved (Private): 73 | Disqualified (Private): 97 | Further Verification (Private): 3 | Further Verification (Public): 36

Total submission


Disqualified (Public)


Approved (Private)


Disqualified (Private)


Further Verification (Private)


Further Verification (Public)


Mary Kazeem’s Details (Student ID: 360)

Submitted on: November 10, 2023 at 1:19 pm


English 44
Mathematics 41
Biology 28
Chemistry 52
Physics 46
Total 211


English 41
Mathematics 41
Biology 65
Chemistry 29
Physics 40
Total 216


English 63
Mathematics 52
Biology 60
Chemistry 44
Physics 52
Total 271


Final Average:




For my future Occupation, I have decide that I want to become a Nurse.
Everyone keeps dreaming an aspiration in life without dream is meaningless. My ambition in the Future is to become a nurse.
The Nurse is an Important Person. The profession of nurse is great service to humanity she works in the hospital. She is the Back bone of any hospital.
In conclusion, There various Profession through which you can help others. As I have saw some lives examples of the contribution of nurse, I want my Nation to grow Healthy and fit, so that we will develop as one of the strongest nation.


Full Student Details:

Student ID 360
First Name Mary
Surname Kazeem
Phone no: 08164817151
Student Email:
Home Address Adeowo, Beula street
City Modakeke
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth December 30, 2004
Emergency Contact Name Olushola Kazeem
Emergency Contact Address

Adeowo,beula street

Relationship to Emergency Contact Mother
Mother’s Full name Olushola aweke Kazeem
Father’s Full name Solomon Ajayi Kazeem
Mother’s Occupation Farmer
Father’s Occupation Farmer
Mother’s Phone No 08111453222
Father’s Phone No 07040355939
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Ile Ekerin
Name of school Modakeke High School
School category Public
Address of school P.O BOX 10,Modakeke
Name of school principal Mr.Olagunju
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue


Have you registered for WAEC? No
Name of school (WAEC)
Address of school (WAEC)
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? No
Academic awards
Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum No
List participation in community service
Do you participate in sport No
List the sport
Student Department Science Student


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