Tosin Ajibade’s Details (Student ID: 689)

Submitted on: December 14, 2023 at 4:32 pm


English 47
Mathematics 61
Biology 62
Chemistry 48
Physics 68
Total 286


English 37
Mathematics 75
Biology 46
Chemistry 38
Physics 56
Total 252


English 51
Mathematics 42
Biology 40
Chemistry 62
Physics 39
Total 234


Final Average:




Becoming a doctor is not merely a career choice for me; it is a profound commitment to contribute to the well-being of others. As a prospective physician, I am drawn to the multifaceted nature of the medical profession, where science converges with compassion to alleviate suffering and restore health. The path to becoming a doctor is challenging yet incredibly rewarding. Pursuing a career in medicine demands a rigorous academic foundation in the sciences, coupled with a passion for continuous learning. The prospect of delving into the intricacies of the human body, understanding diseases, and developing the skills to diagnose and treat ailments excites me. Moreover, the opportunity to integrate cutting-edge medical advancements into patient care appeals to my innate curiosity and desire to stay at the forefront of healthcare.

Beyond the intellectual appeal, the humane aspect of medicine is what truly captivates me. A doctor is not just a practitioner of medicine but a compassionate guide accompanying patients through their most vulnerable moments. Building trust, providing solace, and facilitating healing are integral aspects of this profession that resonate with my values. The ability to make a positive impact on someone’s life, to be a source of comfort in times of distress, is a responsibility I am eager to embrace.

In conclusion, my aspiration to become a doctor is rooted in a genuine passion for science, a thirst for knowledge, and an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others. Through the synthesis of technical expertise and empathy, I envision a future where I can contribute meaningfully to the field of medicine, fostering health and well-being in the communities I serve.


Full Student Details:

Student ID 689
First Name Tosin
Surname Ajibade
Phone no: 09053103497
Student Email:
Home Address Oke-Otubu Area, Modakeke
City Modakeke
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth February 15, 2023
Emergency Contact Name Ronke Ajibade
Emergency Contact Address

Oke-Otubu Area, Modakeke

Relationship to Emergency Contact Mother
Mother’s Full name Ronke Ajibade
Father’s Full name Adekunle Ajibade
Mother’s Occupation Trading
Father’s Occupation Farming
Mother’s Phone No 07037123998
Father’s Phone No 08074808275
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Oni saka
Name of school Rehoboth Comprehensive College
School category Private
Address of school Ahmadiya Street, Barale Area, Oke-Otubu
Name of school principal Mrs. Lydia Adesiyan
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue

Medical Doctor

Have you registered for WAEC? Yes
Name of school (WAEC) Excel Intervention College
Address of school (WAEC) Akarabata, Modakeke
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? No
Academic awards
Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum No
List participation in community service
Do you participate in sport No
List the sport
Student Department Science Student


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