Tofunmi Ola’s Details (Student ID: 404)

Submitted on: November 22, 2024 at 12:59 pm

Disqualified on: February 10, 2025 at 1:22 am


English 65
Mathematics 80
Biology 71
Chemistry 54
Physics 87
Total 357


English 72
Mathematics 74
Biology 63
Chemistry 80
Physics 66
Total 355


English 58
Mathematics 84
Biology 68
Chemistry 87
Physics 80
Total 377


Final Average:




When I was in sss 3 I knew WAEC examination was fast approaching. I began to study hard by reading my books and took extra classes. I organized reading timetable for my self. I even downloaded WAEC app on my phone. So later on, I decided to go for nursing in osun state university. I tried my possible best to read my books with utmost dedication in my studies In order to achieve this ambition. I see my self practicing effectively and efficiently in hospital for the generality of humanity and improve the well being of my family. I chose this ambition because I dreamt about being a nurse and I wished to work in John Hopkins hospital, Maryland,USA.
I firstly faced financial challenge because my father is a farmer and my mother is a trader. So,due to the low relevant of agriculture in my native city modakeke. I don’t pay my school fees often and my academic need are not being taken care of. I went to find a daily job like washing of plate in restaurants. I was a hardworking person that was why my boss love me. So, my boss helped me with a lot of things. She assisted me with my school fees when I was in osun state university. This was how I overcome my challenge and I will keep trying my best to make a better me.


Full Student Details:

Student ID 404
First Name Tofunmi
Surname Ola
Phone no: 08037578612
Student Email:
Home Address Oke owu
City Modakeke
State/Province/Region Osun State (Oshogbo)
Date of Birth May 2, 2009
Emergency Contact Name Ajibola Sola
Emergency Contact Address

Oke bola

Relationship to Emergency Contact Mother
Mother’s Full name Ol
Father’s Full name Ola Isaac abiodun
Mother’s Occupation Trader
Father’s Occupation Farmer
Mother’s Phone No 07068895077
Father’s Phone No 09048452072
Family’s compound (Agbo ile) Oke owu
Name of school The scholars model college
School category Private
Address of school Behind community Grammer school
Name of school principal Mr ogundoro
Current class SS3
What future educational career will you likely pursue


Have you registered for WAEC? No
Name of school (WAEC)
Address of school (WAEC)
Payment receipt (WAEC)
Do you have any academic award? No
Academic awards
Do you participate in community service or extra-curriculum No
List participation in community service
Do you participate in sport No
List the sport
Student Department Science Student


Reviewer’s Section

Reviewer’s Note

Could not authenticate the name and school on the transcript

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Scholarship Verification